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Praktische Informationen

Praktische Informationen
You have a different question from the ones mentioned above? Don't hesitate to contact us! What is the delivery charge? The delivery charge for the territory of Brussels is 5,99€ per order.
The delivery charge for any other region in Belgium is 10,99€ per order.
How are the food products from my order packed and conserved? First our team is collecting the products you have ordered very carefully, then all of the products are well packed and given to a courier.
We are using only high quality packaging materials. Everything fragile is also packed with care. The frozen goods are given to the courier at the last moment before delivery.
How long does delivery take? The delivery time for all orders in Brussels in 1-2 days.
The delivery time for all other orders on the territory of Belgium is 3-4 days.
What payment methods can I use? There are several ways in which you can pay for your online order:
1.You can pay cash when you receive your order.
2. You can pay through PayPal.
How I can order? All of the products presented on the website could be ordered online. You just need to press the button ‘Purchase’.
Ordering online is quick and easy, you don’t even need a registration! Just press ‘Purchase’ and open your online shopping bag where you can find all of the selected by you products. After that you should follow the instructions of the system and to fill in the needed customer information. 
What can I do if there is a problem with some of the already delivered products? Please contact us - give us your name, order number and also attach photo of the problematic product. Our team is going to contact you back with a solution to the problem and the best possible compensation. Is the delivery only for the territory of Brussels? No, it is not. You can order from any region in Belgium. Is there a minimum delivery order? There is minimum amount you should spend on our website if you want to make an order:
Your order should be minimum 55 Euros for the territory of Brussels and minimum 85 Euros for any other area on the territory of Belgium.
Where I can order for? We deliver to any part of Brussels an the territory around it.(+-30km)

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