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BELLA Classic Rolled Patty with Cheese and Spinach


BELLA Classic Rolled Patty with Cheese and Spinach

Category:bakery ( Баници )

BELLA Classic Rolled Patty with Cheese and Spinach

Category:bakery ( Баници )
€ 5.20Purchase +-
Your star secret!
BELLA is a leader in production of frozen foods in the country and became the first brand to offer made frozen patties from rolled pastry and puff pastry. In the range of the brand are selected modern recipes adapted to the new taste trends. That's why the "comfortable" BELLA products were met with unprecedented interest from the consumers. The rolled patties from BELLA are in several formats - large and small rolled patties and rolls with a rich cheese filling, cheese and spinach, vanilla cream, pumpkin, apple.

Method of payment

There are several ways in which you can pay for your online order:

1.You can pay cash when you receive your order.
2. You can use online banking/ bank transfer, but the money should be received by us before our team starts preparing your order and it goes out for delivery.
3. You can pay through PayPal.

supply of goods

There is minimum amount you should spend on our website if you want to make an order:

Your order should be minimum 55 Euros for the territory of Brussels and minimum
85 Euros for any other area on the territory of Belgium.

The delivery charge for the territory of Brussels is 5.99 € per order.
The delivery charge in the Brussels area is 10.99 € per order.

Guarantee for quality and taste

Please contact us - give us your name, order number and also attach photo of the problematic product. Our team is going to contact you back with a solution to the problem and the best possible compensation.

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